by Roger Fabri | Jun 19, 2012 | In The Press
Spending maximum time in peak traffic, Blair needed to develop his intensity under fatigue to keep pace at the end of matches. That explains yesterday’s additional session with speed coach Roger Fabri, who has been secretly working one-on-one with Blair for two...
by Roger Fabri | Jun 19, 2012 | In The Press, Latest News
With try-outs for the newly established Lingerie Football League here in Australia held last week, Speed Agility Academy had overwhelming success with 18 of our sprint trained squad members being selected out of a possible 25 available spots. Impressing the American...
by Roger Fabri | Mar 22, 2012 | In The Press
AS Wests Tigers last night emerged as his most likely NRL saviour, big Willie Mason revealed a desire to emulate former Bulldogs teammate Steve Price and play into his mid-30s. The Daily Telegraph found him yesterday evening in Centennial Park, completing a one-hour...
by Roger Fabri | Mar 22, 2012 | In The Press
He’s a former Power Ranger who finds no strain in whipping out a backflip on cue, so it was no surprise to spot Firass Dirani in heavy-duty workout mode. The Underbelly actor – who can be seen in action flick The Killer Elite, starring Clive Owen and...
by Roger Fabri | Mar 21, 2012 | In The Press
On the back of just two NRL games, Penrith have signed local junior Blake Austin on a massive contract in which he could earn $700,000 over two years. The Panthers beat half a dozen rival clubs to the signature of Austin during the week in what could be the most...
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